Forum Thread: BruteForce Metamask


I hope someone can help me. (if I get my tokens back, I will send the helper 50 euro in ETH) Here the long sad and fun story.

Short explaination: Metamask is a chrome add one where you can take of your cryptocurrencies. Normally you login with just a password. If you want to login from another account or you pc got new installed you need to recover your account with a 12 words phrase or a keyfile.

I had metamask installed in my chrome on my chromebook. I also have linux running on my chromebook therefore it is always in developerment mode. My friend took my chromebook to watch some videos and pressed space when it started. So he deactivated the developer mode. My linux distrubution was gone. I installed everything again (took me some hours). But now I wanted to login again at meta mask and it was not possible anymore. Shit! I thought the keyfile was just in my downloads folder of my chromebook (yeah I know stupid). Ok I still had the phrase I wrote it down two times. One paper has my father one I had. On both paper I wrote down only 11 words instead of 12 (yeah I know very stupid).

How can I get my account back. Is bruteforce a possible? I know 11 of 12 words in the right oder. If you dont now any passwort there is a chance of 1 to 10^41 that you get, so this is impossible to brute force. But I know 11 of 12 words so there are just 32000 possibilities. (There is a wordlist 2600 words and the order matters). Brutforce is possible? You get a feedback quite fast whether it s the right phrase or not. Since they dont know which account you try to access they also can not block your account. I think you might new a bruteforce where you are switchting your IPs after some tries.

Hopefully someone can help me.


1 Response

Yo there, i know this Is old, but did you manage to get back you account? I can help eventually; best regards

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